Tuesday, January 7, 2020

IVA Calculator - Poor Credit Score: What Can it Affect?

Debtor, or not, your credit rating is quite important. It is, essentially, the first thing that creditors check to decide whether or not you are a reliable person to give loan to, and how easily you can pay off. You cannot easily borrow money from any potential lender with bad credit score. However, if you have got a good credit rating, the likelihood of getting qualified increases for better debt deal with lower interest rate – or, on your mortgage if you apply for a house. With good credit score, you can easily lend money on your credit cards. It will eventually help you pay off your debts without trouble. Moreover, you can find the best debt management plan calculator UK to clear your loans with affordable monthly payments. 

Credit Score Influencing Potential Lenders’ Decision :
Have you ever applied for a credit report? If yes, then you must know that the first thing a company or lender will do is looking at your credit report. It’s a mandatory process while applying for a credit card, or a loan.

This report holds all important information about you and your financial history, including where you have been living till date, your credit accounts (opened/closed) or if there are any issues with repaying debts on your past record. It also tells if you ever get into a debt settlement or an individual voluntary arrangement in Debt. Poor credit score is a red flag for lenders; so, it should be avoided.

Your credit report contains the warning signs that help lenders to make the decision of lending you money and at what interest rate. It may not help them with to tell you yes or no – instead the credit applications and defaults listed on it may increase the the interest rate on your required credit product or even reject your application.

Creditors always tend to ensure recovery of the money they lend to, and this is why your credit report should look good. It increases your credibility that you can manage your debts and credit products responsibly.     

What Affects Your Credit Reputation?  
You understand that high amounts of debt and late or missed repayments can leave a detrimental impact on your credit score. But there are a lot of other things that can affect your credit reputation – making it good or bad. A few might surprise you and give you a tough time to get back on track.

As you know the importance of your credit score, you should also aware of things that leave a negative impact on it – making it difficult for you to get credit products of your choice at the affordable interest rate.    

·        Default notice(s)
·        Late repayments
·        Bankruptcy
·        Debt solutions
·        Not having credit 
·        Not registered to vote
·        Several credit applications
·        Available credit you have left
·        Partner’s finances
·        Types of credit products
·        Length of credit history

Bottom Line: 
You should maintain a good credit score and think carefully before making any bog financial decision because lenders will ensure that you aren’t a future risk for them because they always want their money back timely.

Well, it is never too late to recover your credit score if you get free legal advice for debt from financial advisors as ours at IVA Experts UK – providing custom debt solutions.